Thursday, May 24, 2007

Travel Post

Good Morning it is Thursday and I've not blogged for a week. There hasn't been much going on here. Schools coming to an end, which in it own right seems to be a little stressful. Memorial Day weekend is coming up this next weekend. We are planning on going to the Drive Inn. My son had one request when the new Spider man 3 movie came out, it was to go and see it at the Drive Inn, when it got to the Drive Inn so that is what we are going to do Sunday night since Mark doesn't have to work Monday. We have told everyone we know that is what we are doing, So please join us if you want. Jacob's favorite thing to do is the Drive in we have been there twice already this season and this will be the third time. I'm not sure how many Drive Inn's are out there still, I know there isn't as many as there use to be. I love the Drive Inn, I remember going to the Drive Inn when I was a child with my parents and it just heart warming to be able to share a fun piece of my childhood with my own children, and maybe someday they will be able to share that with there own children. We have been making plans for the summer mostly plans to stay close to home minus a reunion or two. I've been wanting to do the Thursday Thirteen thing but I haven't been able to get the little graphic to work so well just skip the graphic.

1. Gas prices are outrageous
2. Your in need of a vacation from your vacation
3. Traffic is crazy, to many motorist on the rode
4. Construction is in full force in the summer
5. no leg cramps or sleeping checks
6. At home you can take as many bathroom brakes as you need
7. Less packing need the less you travel
8. less house sitters or pet sitters needed
9. You spend less time deciding where your going to stay
10. Meal planning is much easier when your not on the road
11. Less fighting in a confined space
12. Less traveling allows us to take advantage of local events
13. Allows us to spend more time with friends, and having people over
Can you think of Thirteen reasons to travel less this summer or more if you don't travel at all.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

Thursday Thirteen!!
Thirteen reasons to travel less.


Anonymous said...

I love your Thursday Thirteen! They are all so true! Going to the Drive In is one of those things I love to do as well. Have a great Memorial day weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

Чейс рассуждать о смерти и загробной жизни со всем знанием дела могут только покойники