I'm having a good day today which is not been the norm here lately. I was surfing for something new and exciting to read today and stumbled across and great post from Angela at this website http://www.5minutesformom.com/faithlifts/2009/01/14/waking-up-in-someone-elses-dream/
It's funny how dreams and desires can lead us to success, to God, to confusion, I don't think its bad to have dreams and desires, just make sure they are yours and Gods. We get ourselves into so much trouble trying to be something we aren't whether it's for ourselves like we think we would be a better person if only, or if it's for someone else. I have to say I've had a lot of dreams and desires, but the ones that mean the most have come true the others are still on the list waiting to be fulfilled or discarded. It's hard to discard of those dreams that we thought where the ones that were going to make us successful, we have to ask ourselves whose eyes are we trying to be successful? I was going to do great things like be an artist who created book covers for a publishing company, they would call me when they needed something which would be all the time, right. God had bigger and better plans for me I married the man of my dreams and had two great children who I get to spend lots of time with. I'm home when they need me and get to do my art on the side which I don't do much of, (I'm working on that). I don't think I would be as happy as I am right now if my plans had been fulfilled, I'm so glad that God knows best and leads us in the direction that he knows will make us happy.
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